A strong foundation for good oral health begins with the care of an experienced
La Pine kid’s dentist. At La Pine Dental, Dr. Stephen Allen is dedicated to providing your kids with the gentlest and most rewarding oral care experience at our office. We use the latest treatment technology and techniques to provide state-of-the-art care in a comfortable office environment. Joined by a warm and friendly professional staff, Dr. Allen welcomes you and your loved ones to our office so that we can keep your oral health in tip-top shape!
The statistics reporting tooth decay among children are a bit startling. Fifty percent of children between the ages of 2 and 11 have had at least one cavity, and that number increases as kids grow older. Couple that with the fact that over 51 million school hours are lost by children across the U.S. owing to dental issues, and the impact begins to hit a bit closer to home. The truth is that cavities are almost entirely avoidable with a proper oral care regimen. As your
La Pine kid’s dentist we provide the quality preventive dental care services so essential for reducing the risk for cavities and a host of other dental issues. At every checkup, we’ll carefully examine your child’s teeth, gums, and jaws, using diagnostic films as needed. By scheduling checkups every six months we can identify dental issues at their very earliest, typically preventing the need for extensive therapies later on. Studies have shown that selecting a family dentist for your child to see throughout their developmental years can have a positive impact on their attitudes towards maintaining good oral care practices later in life. From routine checkups to emergency dental care, you can trust in our experienced dentist to provide your kids with the comprehensive services they require to continue smiling in the best of health.
For the compassionate and personalized care your kids deserve, plan on scheduling their next dental visit with our
La Pine kid’s dentist. We welcome the opportunity to get to know your kids and provide them with a positive, rewarding experience at our office. To schedule your next visit, call us today!
La Pine Dental
51384 US-97
La Pine, OR 97739
(541) 630-4023
By La Pine Dental
March 19, 2019
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