How your appointment will look different!
It has been wonderful seeing all of our patients again and being up and running for all procedures. La Pine Dental provides the highest level of protection reasonably possible for our patients, staff, and families.
Here's how we're keeping everyone safe:
- the highest level of PPE use: N95 and surgical masks, facial shields, surgical gowns, head caps, goggles, gloves, etc.
- use of high-level HVAC filters
- contained treatment protocols to prevent cross-travel between operatories/admin areas
- disinfect all clinical and administrative surfaces and door handles after each patient
- massive amounts of hand sanitizer
- washing of hands before and after every patient interaction
- Plexiglass protective barriers
- staff and patient temperature readings & symptoms/contact questionnaire
- and more!
Our Location
51384 Hwy 97
La Pine, OR 97739
(541) 536-2110